Operating system (OS) patching is one of the most important defences in protecting digital systems from vulnerabilities and preserving the integrity, security, and optimal performance of both Linux and Windows environments. It is a preventative step intended to resolve and lessen possible security threats brought about by errors, malfunctions, or vulnerabilities in the operating system’s source code.

Understanding OS patching:

OS patching is the process of applying updates, repairs, or upgrades to an operating system’s software to resolve security vulnerabilities and defects or improve functionality. Patches may contain security upgrades, bug fixes, performance enhancements, and new features. The fundamental purpose of OS patching is to lower the attack surface by repairing flaws that cyber threats might exploit.

The importance of OS Patching

Security Enhancement

Patching helps eliminate flaws that hackers could use to obtain unauthorised access or jeopardise system integrity. Cyber assaults frequently target recognised weaknesses, and timely patching reduces your chance of being a victim of such an attack.

Adaptation to developing attacks

Cyber attacks are constantly developing, and fresh weaknesses are discovered regularly. Patching the operating system is a proactive plan for staying ahead of possible security concerns and adapting to new dangers in the digital ecosystem.

Stability and Performance

Patches not only address security holes, but they also enhance the general stability and performance of the operating system. Bug fixes and speed improvements help to make computing more fluid and efficient.

Compliance Requirements

Many sectors and organisations are subject to regulatory compliance requirements that demand frequent security upgrades and patches. Failure to follow these laws can have serious implications, including legal penalties and reputational harm.

OS Patching in Linux

Linux takes a unique approach to OS patching because of its open-source architecture and community-driven development.

Package Management

Package management systems, such as APT (Advanced Package Tool) for Debian-based systems or YUM (Yellowdog Updater Modified) for Red Hat-based systems, are extensively used in Linux distributions to handle OS updates. These programs make it easier to obtain, install, and manage software packages, including operating system patches.

Kernel upgrades

Linux kernel upgrades are critical for improving security and performance. Users may obtain kernel upgrades using the usual package management system, depending on the distribution.

Rolling Releases vs. Set Releases

Some Linux distributions use a rolling release strategy, giving updates continually, while others use set release cycles. Users using rolling release distributions receive the most recent changes instantly as they become available, resulting in a more dynamic and continually updated environment.

OS Patching in Windows

Windows is a common operating system seen in both individual and business settings. Each version of Windows has unique OS patching strategies:

Windows Update

The key tool for handling OS patches in Windows is Windows Update. It includes security patches, bug fixes, and feature enhancements. Users may arrange Windows Update settings to download and install updates automatically or manually.

Patch Tuesday

Microsoft releases security patches on a weekly schedule known as “Patch Tuesday.” Microsoft publishes continuous updates resolving safety holes and other concerns on the second Tuesday of each month. Patching techniques are frequently planned around this timeline by system administrators.

WSUS (Windows Server Update Services)

WSUS is frequently utilised in business situations to handle the deployment of Windows updates. It enables administrators to govern update rollout inside their network, guaranteeing a consistent and safe update procedure.

Best Practises for OS Patching

Establish a process for tracking and analysing the release of OS fixes. Keep up with OS supplier security bulletins and advisories to detect important upgrades as promptly as possible.

Before deploying fixes in a production system, confirm compatibility and eliminate any interruptions by testing them in a controlled and isolated environment. This is especially critical for corporate systems, where downtime can have serious effects.

Whenever possible, automate the patching process to guarantee the timely distribution of updates. Automation reduces the possibility of human mistakes and guarantees that systems are patched regularly.

Prioritise fixing major flaws that represent a high risk to the system’s security and functionality. Because not all fixes are equally important, prioritise fixing the most serious vulnerabilities first.

Make a backup of important systems before deploying fixes. In the unlikely event that a patch causes unexpected problems, keeping a backup allows a speedy recovery with little data loss or delay.


OS patching is a critical component of cybersecurity, acting as a preventative strategy to reduce possible risks and improve the general resilience of operating systems. Understanding patching techniques and following best practices are essential for maintaining a safe environment, whether in the Linux or Windows ecosystem. Individuals and organisations may keep ahead of developing risks and contribute to a more secure digital ecosystem by prioritising timely updates, testing patches, and using automation.

OS Patching: Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between OS patching and OS upgrade?

Although both OS patching and OS upgrades are methods for updating operating systems (OS), they have distinct goals and involve various modifications:

OS Patching:

OS Upgrade:

In short, upgrading entails switching to a new version of the OS that has more features and enhancements, whereas patching concentrates on preserving and safeguarding the present OS version.

How do I automate OS patching?

Automating OS patching involves setting up procedures and tools to automatically apply updates to operating systems. Here’s how you can do it:

What is Red Hat patching?

Red Hat patching is the process of applying updates, changes, and security patches to RHEL systems. Red Hat releases these patches to fix vulnerabilities, problems, and performance enhancements in the operating system and related software packages.

Red Hat offers tools such as Red Hat Satellite and Yum for managing and deploying fixes across RHEL deployments. Patching is critical for keeping RHEL systems secure, stable, and performant since it keeps them up to current and protects them from any threats and difficulties.

In today’s technological environment, Server provisioning tools are critical for maintaining and deploying apps. It’s similar to setting up a stage for a performance where everything needs to be perfect. It involves equipping the servers with the required software, settings, and resources before they can perform their functions properly.

However, doing this all by hand is like putting together a gigantic puzzle. It takes time, and it is easy to make errors. That is why we have specialised tools to help us. These tools are like magical support that can do the task faster and with fewer mistakes.

In this post, we’ll introduce you to the top 5 server provisioning tools that every system admin must use. These tools are well-known for their high efficiency and ease of server setup and administration.

But before we introduce you to the tools, let’s first understand server provisioning and the role it plays in IT infrastructure.

Server Provisioning Tools

Understanding Server Provisioning

In IT and infrastructure management, server provisioning is a primary topic. It refers to the act of preparing and configuring a server so that it can carry out specified tasks or run specific software applications. Imagine it similar to setting up a workstation but on a bigger scale.

The procedure includes installing and configuring the appropriate operating system, software, and resources like CPU, memory, and storage, all customised to fit the specific needs of a particular activity or application. Proper server configuration ensures that the server is optimised for its intended job, whether that duty is hosting a website, managing databases, or doing sophisticated calculations.

Traditionally, server provisioning was carried out manually, which took a long time and effort. These operations, however, have become simplified, automated, and very efficient with the introduction of modern provisioning technologies.

The Role of Server Provisioning Tools

Server provisioning tools are the reason behind the scenes in today’s frantic IT industry, where being quick, adaptable, and dependable is critical. They serve as the firm basis of a well-built house, ensuring that everything operates correctly. So, let’s look at how these tools serve several functions to make modern IT run successfully.

Server provisioning tools simplify the time-consuming and frequently demanding process of setting up and configuring servers. They replace error-prone operations with simplified automated workflows. This not only saves time but also reduces the possibility of human mistakes, resulting in consistent and dependable server installations.

As a company grows, so does the demand for extra server resources. Server provisioning solutions enable the deployment of new servers on call, which aids in the rapid scalability of infrastructure. This scalability guarantees that IT resources can keep up with shifting demands without experiencing downtime or service disruptions.

Server provisioning tools often include powerful configuration management capabilities. IT teams may use them to establish and enforce server settings, ensuring that servers satisfy security and compliance criteria. This consistency is critical for keeping an IT system secure and compliant.

A wide range of technologies and systems are used in effective IT settings. These tools often integrate with other DevOps and IT management tools, resulting in a unified and integrated environment that streamlines operations and boosts productivity.

A prime factor in server provisioning is the effective distribution of resources. These technologies help in optimising server resources such as CPU, memory, and storage, ensuring they are fully used. This not only boosts performance but also lowers operational expenses by reducing waste.

These tools reflect the underlying hardware, allowing for smooth deployment across diverse server setups. This flexibility is essential in dynamic contexts where server hardware specs may alter.

Managing diverse software versions and configurations across servers may be difficult. Version control features are provided by server provisioning tools, allowing businesses to monitor changes, roll back to earlier configurations, and keep a history of server states. It is effective for troubleshooting and auditing.

Top 5 Server Provisioning Tools

So far, you must’ve understood what server provisioning is and what role its tools play in IT infrastructure.

Now, let’s check out the top 5 server provisioning tools that will make your job easier.


Let’s start with the top most used tool, which is Attune. It is a significant changer in server provisioning, particularly when it comes to automating physical infrastructure. It provides a comprehensive framework for accurate and agile server provisioning automation in on-premise, data center, and remote site scenarios. Attune enables SysOps teams to automate physical machine deployment and administration by leveraging scripting languages, drastically decreasing human mistakes and improving operational efficiency.

SysOps Automation

Key Features:


Puppet is yet another popular server provisioning solution that excels in configuration management and automation. This tool defines and enforces settings throughout your server infrastructure using a declarative language, assuring consistency and stability.

Key Features:


Ansible has grown in popularity as a secure and adaptable server setup tool. It is an open-source automation software created by Red Hat that allows you to design and manage server settings like code. Ansible describes configurations using YAML, a declarative language that is simple to comprehend and manage.

Key Features:


Chef is an advanced configuration management program that automates the provisioning and maintenance of servers. Configurations are defined using a Ruby-based DSL (Domain-Specific Language). Chef takes a “model-driven” approach to server setup, enforcing desirable settings and ensuring consistency throughout the server environment.

Key Features


HashiCorp’s Terraform is a one-of-a-kind server provisioning solution noted for its infrastructure as a code approach. Terraform in contrast to the previously listed technologies, focuses on designing and maintaining the complete infrastructure stack, including servers, networks, and storage.

Key Features

Summing Up

Lastly, these server provisioning tools have changed the way businesses manage their IT infrastructure. These technologies enable firms to respond quickly to changing needs and maintain a competitive edge in today’s dynamic IT world by automating deployment procedures, maximising resource use, and maintaining consistency. Adopting these technologies is a deliberate move toward greater efficiency, scalability, and operational excellence.

Server Provisioning Tools: Frequently Asked Questions

Which tool helps in provisioning?

Depending on the objectives and environment, a range of tools are available to help in provisioning. Here are a few popular ones:

The kind of infrastructure, deployment environment (on-premises or cloud), scalability needs, and organisational preferences all influence the tool selection process.

How do I automate server provisioning?

Server provisioning may be automated through the use of tools, scripts, and procedures to automatically set up and configure servers.

Here’s an overview of how to automate server provisioning.

You can reduce manual work, speed server provisioning, and guarantee dependable and consistent deployments throughout your infrastructure by following these procedures and utilising automation technologies.

What are the uses of provisioning?

Provisioning provides several critical functions in IT infrastructure management:

Provisioning, in general, is essential for maximising resource use, preserving system dependability, and promoting the scalability and flexibility of contemporary IT settings.

It is necessary to maintain server performance and security in the constantly evolving IT environment. And for you to achieve this, Windows Server Patch Management is required. Updates and patches must be applied to servers regularly to be able to fix vulnerabilities, improve features, and guarantee optimal performance.

This article discusses the value of patch management in Windows Servers and provides guidelines for an efficient and safe updating procedure. Let’s have a look.

Windows Server Patch Managemen

Why Patch Management Matters

Security Enhancement

Security vulnerability fixes are the main driving force behind Windows Server Patch Management. Threats from cyberspace are always changing, and hackers frequently take advantage of software flaws. Applying updates regularly helps safeguard servers from possible security lapses, safeguard confidential information, and guarantee business continuity.

Performance Optimisation

Patches increase performance in addition to security. Updates might contain improvements, optimisations, and bug fixes that help the server run more smoothly and effectively. Utilising new features and functions is facilitated by making sure servers are running the most recent software versions.

Regulations and Compliance

A secure and compliant IT infrastructure is required by regulations that apply to many sectors. Consistent patching is frequently necessary to comply with regulations like GDPR, HIPAA, and others. Respecting these rules is essential to staying out of trouble with the law and keeping stakeholder’s and clients’ confidence.

Best Practices for Windows Server Patch Management

Establish a Patch Management policy

Start by creating a thorough Windows patch management plan that describes the steps involved in updating Windows servers. Roles and duties should be clearly defined, along with timelines and priorities. Building a strong testing infrastructure is also necessary to guarantee the smooth incorporation of changes. By laying out these procedures and policies, companies may improve the effectiveness and dependability of their server infrastructure by methodically managing patching, giving priority to important updates, allocating responsibility, and validating patches before deploying them.

Regular Assessment and Testing

Thorough testing in a controlled environment is essential before applying patches to a live production system. This preventive action guarantees compatibility with current systems and assists in locating and resolving any possible problems that could develop before, during, or after implementation. Organisations may reduce risks, limit downtime, and maximise the overall efficacy of the patch deployment process by carrying out comprehensive testing beforehand, which helps to create a more dependable and seamless IT infrastructure.

Prioritise Critical Patches

Understand that patch significance changes; give priority to important security updates that target vulnerabilities that are being exploited in real-world circumstances. This tactical strategy guarantees a targeted reaction to urgent threats, taking prompt action to solve the most critical security issues, and strengthening systems against active exploits in the wild.

Automate Patch Deployment

To speed up Windows patch management process, make use of automated deployment tools like Attune, System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) and Windows Server Upgrade Services (WSUS). By automating deployment procedures, these tools reduce the likelihood of human mistakes and guarantee timely and correct updates.

Backup and Recovery Plans

Make backups a top priority before patching to reduce the risk of data loss or system outages. As a precaution, create a robust recovery strategy that will allow for a speedy restoration if unanticipated problems arise after patching.

Windows Patch Tuesday

Microsoft Windows Patch Tuesday is a Microsoft initiative that occurs on the second Tuesday of each month. On this day, Microsoft releases a bundle of updates, patches, and security fixes for its various products.

Windows Server Patching Strategies

Regularly Scheduled Patching

Make a regular patching schedule that takes the requirements for system uptime and scheduled maintenance periods into consideration. This customised strategy guarantees patch application consistency without interfering with vital system functions.

Rolling Updates

Use a staged updating strategy in larger settings, distributing fixes to servers gradually and methodically. This method ensures a more seamless deployment procedure by giving particular server groups a priority for upgrades, thereby minimising service interruptions.

Emergency Patching

Handle serious vulnerabilities right away by applying emergency updates later than usual. By taking this proactive measure, possible security risks are reduced, and serious vulnerabilities are quickly fixed.

Challenges and Solutions

Complexity and Scale

Managing fixes on several servers at once may be quite difficult. This work is made easier by centralised Windows patch management solutions, which provide a consolidated view of patch statuses. These technologies streamline the procedure by offering a single overview of patching actions on several servers.

Downtime and Service Interruptions

Use technologies like live migration or clustering to minimise service interruptions or schedule patch deployment during times of low demand. Organisations can reduce disruptions to critical services by employing cutting-edge technology or carefully scheduling upgrades during off-peak times.

The method guarantees that patching procedures take place with the least possible disruption to ordinary operations, preserving system availability and user experience while successfully boosting security and performance.

Advanced Strategies for Windows Server Patch Management

Patch Rollbacks and Remediation

Unexpected problems from patches can occur even with thorough testing. Having a strategy for a rollback with the necessary tools to undo fixes is essential. By taking this proactive step, downtime is reduced and system stability is maintained.

Risk-Based Patching

Critical servers that handle sensitive data or perform essential tasks should receive immediate attention to speed up their upgrades. Patch deployment for non-critical systems may be done methodically by using a phased update plan. Organisations may achieve complete protection across the infrastructure by optimising security for high-risk systems.

Baseline Configuration Management

Set a common server configuration to keep everything consistent across the environment. After patching, keep an eye on setups to spot any changes or irregularities. By quickly identifying and resolving any deviations that may occur after patch shipping, this procedure guarantees continuous alignment with the defined baseline.

Integration with Change Management

Patch management should be in line with change control procedures. To keep an accurate record of changes and their effects, document patch deployments as part of the broader change management plan.

Tools and Technologies for Windows Server Patch Management

Attune by AttuneOps

Tools like Attune play an important part in automating the patching process. It allows for the precise and efficient replication of manual typing through the meticulous orchestration of scripts, commands, and processes.

System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM)

This tool provides various Windows patch management functionalities, including automated deployment, compliance tracking, and report generation across several servers, guaranteeing thorough update supervision and administration.

Windows Server Update Services (WSUS)

With the help of this Microsoft application, network administrators may centrally manage the delivery of updates and decide which ones to accept, reject, or schedule.

Continuous Monitoring and Feedback

Monitoring Patch Compliance

Regularly monitor the status of patches across servers to ensure that updates are correctly implemented. Real-time monitoring and reporting tools make this procedure more efficient.

Feedback and Improvement

Get input on how patches affect the functioning or performance of the system from system administrators or end users. Using this data, improve the Windows patch management plan for upcoming releases.


Patch management for Windows Server is a continuous operation that needs to be carefully planned, carried out, and monitored. Organisations may satisfy compliance standards and minimise risks while maintaining the security, stability, and performance of their Windows Server infrastructures by utilising suitable tools, advanced tactics, best practices and adaptability to changing problems. System updates strengthen security against cyberattacks and create the foundation for an adaptable and robust IT infrastructure.

Windows Server Patch Management: Frequently Asked Questions

What is patch management in Windows Server?

Patch management in Windows Server is the process of discovering, obtaining, testing, delivering, and monitoring patches (software updates) that resolve vulnerabilities, flaws, or security concerns in the Windows operating system and its related software components. This method is essential for ensuring the security, stability, and performance of Windows Server systems.

Patch management usually entails activities like searching for updates that are available, ranking patches according to impact and severity, planning patch deployment windows, testing patches in a controlled setting, applying patches to production servers, and keeping an eye on systems to ensure that patches are installed successfully and to identify any problems.

Effective patch management helps organisations decrease the risk of security breaches, assure regulatory compliance, and reduce system downtime caused by software vulnerabilities.

How many types of Windows patches are there?

For Windows systems, there are typically three kinds of fixes available:

What are the best practices for Windows patching?

The following are some suggested strategies for Windows patching:

What is WSUS patch management?

WSUS (Windows Server Update Services) patch management is a server role in Windows Server that allows IT managers to manage and deliver updates, hotfixes, and patches for Microsoft products across a network.

WSUS enables administrators to centrally download updates from Microsoft Update servers, accept or deny updates depending on organisational policies, and deliver them to networked Windows machines.

It gives organisations extensive control over update deployment, scheduling, and reporting, allowing them to expedite the patch management process, increase system security, and ensure compliance with software licensing and regulatory standards.

If you’re in the world of IT automation, you must know that Puppet has long been a popular tool in the field of IT automation. However, as technology develops, new competitors are coming up and providing novel techniques to streamline and manage complicated IT activities. This article gets you into the popular puppet alternatives that will help you choose the tool according to your organisational goals.

Puppet Alternatives

What is IT Automation?

Before we uncover the best alternatives to Puppet, let’s first get familiar with the idea of IT automation and its importance in your IT infrastructure.

You must be aware of today’s quickly growing technology world, where IT automation has become an essential factor in updating company processes.

The use of software and tools to execute routine tasks, workflows, and procedures inside an organisation’s information technology environment is referred to as IT automation. Its primary goal is to increase efficiency, decrease manual involvement, and allow IT experts to focus on strategic projects.

The primary features of IT automation include:

Importance of IT Automation in an Organisation

IT automation is highly significant in present-day business situations for various reasons:

Puppet: Quick Overview

Puppet is a well-known configuration management tool and stands as a pillar in the world of IT automation. Puppet at its heart, helps businesses to automate and streamline the administration of their software and system settings. The platform boosts consistency, increases efficiency, and reduces human error by defining ideal conditions for diverse components throughout an IT architecture.

This tool uses declarative language allowing administrators to declare the correct settings for each system element. Puppet’s agent-master design allows real-time communication, which enables automated configuration verification and quick changes across numerous servers and devices.

Without a doubt, Puppet holds a strong market presence. However, if you’ve already used the tool and want to switch to other best-known tools with advanced configuration features, you’ve come across the best place.

But let’s check the key features you need to consider while going for Puppet alternatives:

Key Factors to Consider in Puppet Alternatives

Flexibility and Service: While going for the Puppet alternative, analyse options based on the ability to efficiently maintain settings across an increasing number of nodes, guaranteeing smooth performance as your infrastructure grows.

Adoption & Learning Curve: Explore alternatives that have a straightforward interface and user-friendly syntax, reducing the time and effort necessary for your team to move and begin efficiently employing the technology.

Community & Network: Look for alternatives that have an active and supportive user community, and also a rich ecosystem of plugins, modules, and integrations that can increase the tool’s capabilities and adaptability.

Integration and Compatibility: Find how effectively the alternative connects with your existing tools, platforms, and workflows to provide a smooth integration into your IT ecosystem.

Flexibility: Look for alternatives that offer customisation choices, allowing you to adjust the tool to your organisation’s specific needs and support unusual use cases beyond normal settings.

Top 7 Puppet Alternatives

Below are the top 7 Puppet alternatives available on the market that you can try your hands on:


Attune is a cutting-edge digital systems automation and orchestration solution designed to elevate your operational efficiency to new heights. Attune seamlessly automates and orchestrates scripts, commands, and processes, replicating the precision of manual entries performed by skilled system administrators.

Embracing a non-intrusive approach, Attune establishes connections with operating systems through WinRM and SSH protocols, eliminating the need for agent installations. Crafted using widely adopted shell scripting languages, Attune empowers your organisation with unparalleled flexibility and familiarity.

Unlock a realm of possibilities with Attune’s automation prowess:

One of Attune’s distinctive strengths lies in its ability to modify scripts on-the-fly during active job runs, eliminating the need to restart processes. This agility ensures that your workflows remain adaptable and dynamic, even in the midst of execution.

Imagine the convenience of exporting Attune’s meticulously crafted procedures into portable files, ready to be seamlessly imported into other Attune instances. These exports encapsulate scripts, comments, and supplementary resources, facilitating rapid integration and execution across multiple Attune servers.

Attune’s prowess shines when orchestrating tasks across multiple servers and users within a single job, fostering comprehensive coordination that spans your entire environment. By its very nature, Attune becomes the nucleus that centralises your support team’s invaluable knowledge, transforming fragmented expertise into a unified powerhouse.

Elevate your automation endeavours with Attune — where precision meets adaptability, and efficiency meets innovation.

AttuneOps Hello World Bash Tutorial


Chef is a powerful configuration management and automation solution that enables businesses to create, deploy, and manage infrastructure as code.

The tool uses a domain-specific language and allows administrators to build and automate complex setups across several systems. Its agent-master design allows real-time updates and consistent monitoring while maintaining fast communication.

Chef simplifies provisioning, deployment, and continuous monitoring while increasing system stability and agility. Chef’s emphasis on infrastructure-as-code principles makes it an indispensable tool for managing modern IT infrastructures, increasing productivity, and eliminating manual involvement.


Ansible is a popular open-source IT automation tool that is praised for its ease of use and agentless design. Ansible, contrary to Puppet, uses SSH for system connections, removing the requirement for agents on managed nodes. Ansible playbooks written in human-readable YAML improve accessibility, making it a fast and efficient alternative, especially for simple automation tasks.

Ansible improves collaboration and flexibility in operation through extensive interconnections, making it the best tool for orchestrating and managing modern IT infrastructures.


SaltStack is a powerful open-source automation and orchestration tool that has since become known as Salt Project. It excels in managing and configuring IT infrastructure using a novel event-driven methodology.

Salt enables administrators to automate operations, distribute software, and monitor systems at scale via remote execution and configuration management. Its master-minion design allows for real-time communication, allowing for quick changes and efficient configuration enforcement.

This tool improves efficiency and minimises complexity in IT operations by focusing on speed, scalability, and adaptability. Additionally, because of its connection with numerous systems and cloud platforms, it is a versatile alternative for orchestrating complicated operations and ensuring system integrity.


Terraform, a popular infrastructure as code (IaC) solution, offers swift and scalable cloud resource allocation and administration. Terraform, which makes use of a declarative configuration language, allows developers and administrators to build and automate infrastructure settings across numerous cloud platforms. Its state management provides consistency and allows for upgrades without the need for user intervention.

Terraform’s modular architecture encourages code reuse, which simplifies complicated deployments. It caters to a wide range of cloud services thanks to a thriving supplier ecosystem.

This platform improves collaboration, speeds deployments, and preserves version-controlled settings by codifying infrastructure, making it a cornerstone for modern cloud-native application development and infrastructure management.


The powerful configuration management and automation tool CFEngine thrives at assuring system integrity, compliance, and efficiency at scale. CFEngine, which uses declarative language, enables administrators to create and maintain settings across diverse infrastructures, reducing drift and vulnerabilities.

It has an agent-based design that enables real-time monitoring, quick updates, and self-healing. The emphasis on autonomous decision-making in CFEngine improves dependability while decreasing manual intervention.

With a heritage founded in strong system management, CFEngine is a reliable alternative for businesses looking for complete configuration management and automation solutions, particularly in complex and security-sensitive situations.


The Rudder is an excellent open-source configuration management and compliance automation tool and the best Puppet alternative. It excels in keeping system configurations consistent across several environments.

Rudder, which operates via a web interface, allows administrators to specify and enforce desired conditions, assuring compliance, security, and efficiency. Its agent-server design allows for real-time communication, which allows for quick updates and drift detection.

The tool’s policy-driven approach to configuration management automates configuration management, minimising human error and increasing system stability. It streamlines compliance audits and delivers insights into system health with complete reporting and visualisation options.

Rudder, as a necessary tool for system administrators, automates configuration management and compliance chores, therefore contributing to a secure and well-managed IT environment.


Finally, Puppet alternatives provide various options to meet several automation demands. Whether you prioritise simplicity, agentless designs, real-time execution, or infrastructure provisioning, each option has a unique set of advantages.

The best tool for the task is chosen by your company’s goals, present setup, and team expertise. Exploring these possibilities allows for identifying the best fit for effective IT automation.

The Automation of IT infrastructure is the gateway toward the digital transformation of any organization. Automation is just not about streamlining some of the IT processes, server automation transforms the overall functioning and performance of IT organizations. Some of the major outlines of server automation are reduced cost, better time management, decreased server downtime, and faster deployment. All these features of server automation make it one of the most exciting aspects of digital transformation. In this guide, We will look forward to the top 5 Jenkins Alternatives.

Short on time? These are the best alternatives to Terraform:

  • Attune – Enjoy up to 42x faster server builds, 41% faster dataset reloads, and 4x faster system upgrades.
  • CircleCI– Get unparalleled performance and insights with CircleCI’s interactive dashboard and automatic upgrades – revolutionizing the way you build and deploy your applications.
  • Bamboo – Ultimate platform for agile teams seeking effortless configuration, powerful Git workflows, and lightning-fast parallel testing

One of the key elements of server automation is continuous integration/continuous development (CI/CD) tools. These tools have a great impact on the developer’s performance and the overall IT operations of the company. These CI & CD tools are enabling developers and operations teams to be more productive by automating most of the processes and reducing the manual effort involved, hence eliminating the chance of human errors. These tools help dev and ops teams in all phases of the SDLC from testing, merging code, and pushing the code from one environment to a different environment i.e. from staging to production.

Jenkins Alternatives

One such CI/CD tool is Jenkins. This is one of the very first tools used when the concept of server automation was introduced. Jenkins has been like a default standard CI/CD tool for DevOps teams for the past many years. But over time, it is getting outdated and teams using it are facing some difficulties. So maybe it’s time to look for alternatives.

This article will walk you through the top 5 alternatives of Jenkins, but let’s begin with getting a brief idea about what is Jenkins, and why there is a need for its alternatives.

What Is Jenkins And Its Major Issues?

Jenkins is one of the oldest and most popular CI/CD tools that is being by DevOps teams. It has been in the market for a long and one of the great things about Jenkins is that it is open-source and free. So, there are no restrictions on who can use this tool. The main purpose behind the creation of this tool was to be able to build great automation servers. Jenkins is one of the software used for continuous integration, by building and testing software projects continuously.

One of the major features of Jenkins is Plugins, there are a lot of Jenkins plugins available that you can easily use for anything, from automation testing to automation builds and for deployment on different servers.

Well, it is rightly said that everything has its time to shine and then it starts losing its charm. It is 2021 and the same is the case with Jenkins, In the past few years, the IT teams that are using Jenkins are facing several issues.

Some of the major issues in Jenkins are:

Factors To Consider When Switching From Jenkins

If you have searched about Jenkins alternatives and you are reading this article, then there must be one of the three reasons you are here. You are already using Jenkins and are fed up with facing different issues and looking for a change. Or maybe you haven’t faced any issues yet but have heard the stories about Jenkins issues and looking to avoid them by choosing an alternative. The third reason could be, that you are starting your business and don’t want to use Jenkins and looking for alternatives.

Well, for whatever reason you are here the point is that you want a Jenkins alternative that is similar to Jenkins. You must consider and evaluate some of the points according to your situation before deciding which tool to choose. Let’s briefly discuss some of these factors.

Alternatives Of Jenkins

There are a lot of tools now available in the marketplace that can be used as Jenkins alternatives. It is not possible to compare any tool side by side with Jenkins, anyhow let’s see some of the tools similar to Jenkins.

Circle CI

Circle CI is one of the most popular Jenkins alternatives available in the market currently. This is a cloud-based flexible CI/CD tool and is very easy to maintain. This is a multi-platform tool and can run on any platform like Python, API server, or Docker. Circle CI is usually known for its speed, scalability, and performance. Whenever you perform a commit, it leads to automatic build execution.

Features of Circle CI


Bamboo is an Atlassian-based CI tool. Bamboo can be automatically created, published, and monitored in a single place. Bamboo can be easily integrated with Jira applications and Bit Bucket. Docker, GIT, SVN, and Amazon can also be integrated with Bamboo.

Bamboo is part of the complete suite provided by Atlassian, so it can detect changes made in a repository and can trigger builds and push notifications from Bit Bucket.

Features of Bamboo


Buddy is another reasonable alternative to Jenkins. It is an open-source CI/CD tool that is known for its ultra-quick application deployment. According to their official website, it takes 12 seconds of average time to deploy an application.

It has smart change detection, optimized caching, and parallelism which makes it one of the fastest. It can easily integrate with Docker and Kubernetes. Buddy is simple and effective but it is also costly.

Features of Buddy


GoCD is another open-source Continuous Integration server. One of the great features of GoCD is its value stream map, which shows your complete path to production in a single view. You can visualize complex workflows easily with GoCD. Popular environments like Docker and Kubernetes can be easily integrated with GoCD.

Features of GoCD


Talking about server automation tools, Attune is one of the new tools to enter the market with some great and exciting features. Attune is one of the easiest and fastest solutions for node and server automation.

The vision behind building Attune is to provide an intuitive SysOps solution for rapidly implementing and debugging server automation and orchestration. Attune has great capability of automating manual scripts and commands. Attune is written in Python and is a cross-platform solution. You can build and deploy on different OS such as Mac, OS, Windows, etc. Attune has a simple user interface and supports different scripting languages like CMD, bash, or Powershell. One of the features to look after is its node orchestration and automation, which makes it Attune for everyone. From large organizations to small enterprises, Attune can be used anywhere.

Features of Attune

Wrap Up

No doubt Jenkins is one of the most popular tools when it comes to server automation and CI/CD, but now maybe it’s time to look at some other options. We have mentioned some of the best tools available in the market and briefly mentioned their lightning features. While it is not possible to do a side-by-side comparison of the above-mentioned tools, however, we have explained some of the points that you should keep in mind when looking for a Jenkins alternative.

It’s hardly a surprise that automation stands as one of the core principles of agile development and DevOps. Organizations now face increasing workloads and demands amid swathes of business data and consumer needs. To efficiently address these concerns, automation is necessary. IT automation is an extensive field that ranges from automating a simple and moderate process to orchestrating several routine admin procedures.

Short on time? These are the best alternatives to Terraform:

  • Attune – Enjoy up to 42x faster server builds, 41% faster dataset reloads, and 4x faster system upgrades.
  • Jenkins – The versatile platform that seamlessly integrates with your existing tools and can be used across multiple platforms.
  • Ansible – Experience lightning-fast application deployment and simplified software releases with Ansible

According to a 2020 report by the World Economic Forum, 80% of business leaders say they are accelerating workflow automation with another 50% planning to speed up the automation of repetitive procedures. By enabling more automation, organizations can tap into greater efficiency and accelerate digital enablement projects. In a 2020 Salesforce report, 73% of IT leaders report that automation has helped employees save between 10 and 50% of the time they previously spent on manual tasks.

Terraform Alternatives

There are several IT automation tools for different operations and management processes. on the market today. One of these tools is Terraform. Terraform is one of the leading solutions for managing Infrastructure as Code and configuration management. Before you learn more about Terraform alternatives, let’s find out what IT automation is and its applications and benefits.

What is IT Automation?

IT operations refer to the process of automating tasks, workflows, and procedures as a means to reduce and replace manual IT operations. In other words, it automates processes that were previously performed manually, resulting in an improvement in IT infrastructure and applications. Automating the provisioning process has become critical for achieving better speed, consistency, and security as virtualized networks and cloud-based services become more complex.

The broad range of capabilities, tools, practices, and use cases for IT automation is vast and extensive. Similarly, it is a rapidly evolving field that incorporates modern technologies such as machine learning and artificial intelligence.

With automation, you can automate IT procedures, workflows, and policies, reducing the workload of IT staff. There is a long list of tools for IT automation to perform operations such as provisioning, build and deployment automation, server automation, security automation, and more. You can find out more on why you should automate IT infrastructure and build.

The following are a few applications of automation that your organization can leverage on:

Benefits of IT Automation

Speed: With IT automation, you can do more with less. A downside of this is that errors can spread much faster in the system, as well. Admins will have to take particular care with setting up the initial workflow, but once the system is in place, they no longer have to worry.

Accuracy: There is no perfect administrator. So, when completing a routine task or setting up a complicated task, they may end up making an error. In the meantime, IT automation software can continue to perform the same process without interruption, exactly as programmed.

Efficiency: By freeing your IT professionals from conducting repetitive, time-consuming tasks, they can focus on innovative initiatives. Not only is this a significant saving for your business, but your IT team is free to work on more strategic initiatives.

Terraform: What Is It?

Terraform is an IT automation solution that automates configuration management. Besides being easy to use, it can also help to provision infrastructure across multiple cloud platforms, making it one of the most popular IT automation tools. Through open-source IaC, it allows the control of multiple cloud services through a command-line interface (CLI).

It comes with an out-of-the-box HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) support, which provides a declarative language for managing data centres.

The Features And Benefits Of Terraform Include:

IT Automation: 10 Terraform Alternatives

There are several Terraform alternatives. The following is a list of 10 IT automation software solution alternatives to Terraform, including Ansible, Attune, Kubernetes, Jenkins, Chef, Puppet, BMC Control M, SaltStack, Vagrant, and Pulumi.

1. Attune

Attune is a server automation solution that is similar to Terraform. With Attune, you can provision, patch, and automate build procedures, and compliance for virtual and physical servers. By accelerating builds and deployments, Attune helps to enhance security and accelerate digital transformation. Additionally, it also supports automation using Bash, CMD, and PowerShell.

On top of this, Attune’s node automation feature allows you to automate tasks such as Raspberry Pi or Docker configuration and Home Lab set-up. It also offers an easy-to-use interface for managing all your servers. It runs several scripting languages and is written in Python.

The Features And Benefits Of Attune Include:

2. Ansible

Ansible is one of several Terraform alternatives. It is a configuration management platform that automates the software development process. This tool allows you to deploy applications, patch them, and automate updates, compliance, and governance. Ansible is both lightweight and quick to deploy, making it a popular IT automation tool.

With Ansible Modules, you can connect your project to Ansible. You can manage your project with these modules. Due to Ansible’s agentless architecture, you don’t have to install client or server software. Ansible modules can run on any server or system. It also supports Python Paramiko modules and SSH protocols.

Read more: Top 5 Ansible alternatives for server automation in 2021

Benefits And Features Of Ansible Include:

3. Kubernetes

Kubernetes is another IT automation alternative to Terraform. It is an open-source solution that enables automated deployment, management, and scaling of containerized applications. It simplifies container communication. It facilitates container discovery and management within an application.

No matter how complex your needs are, Kubernetes’ flexibility provides consistent and seamless application delivery. Besides giving you the option to migrate workloads to where you need them, it also lets you choose between on-premises, hybrid, and public cloud infrastructure.

The Features And Benefits Of Kubernetes Include:

4. Jenkins

Jenkins is an automation server that enables developers and organizations to build, test, and deploy software. It also integrates with several other plugins and tools to assist developers in orchestrating test automation and CI/CD pipelines for any application project. It’s a Java-based program. It provides support for Windows, Mac OS, and other UNIX-like operating systems.

A web interface is available for setting up and configuring Jenkins. The configuration is easy since the program performs automatic error checks.

Read more: Top 5 alternatives to Jenkins in 2021

The Features and Benefits of Jenkins include:

5. Chef

Chef is a configuration management tool that helps to manage configurations across a wide range of servers. Through continuous monitoring, it ensures that servers meet established standards. It also has a good track record of handling complex systems.

For automatic provisioning and configuration, Chef integrates various cloud services, including Microsoft Azure, Amazon EC2, and the Google Cloud Platform. It facilitates the connection of all IT infrastructure components, making the installation of new ones easy without the need for manual intervention.

The Features And Benefits Of Chef Include:

6. Puppet

Puppet enables you to install, configure, and manage servers. Moreover, it facilitates continuous deployment, compliance, and configuration management. Using Master-Slave architecture, Puppet operates on a secure encryption channel enabled by SSL.

By using the orchestrator and code manager in Puppet Enterprise, you can quickly move your infrastructure to a continuous delivery pipeline. Furthermore, you can streamline deployments across multiple data centres, allowing you to configure parameters, applications, and environments as required.

With Puppet, you can make changes to your business while maintaining consistency and remaining compliant.

The Features And Benefits Of Puppet Include:

7. Saltstack

SaltStack is a Terraform alternative that offers hybrid, on-premises, and cloud infrastructure management. It uses Python to manage configurations and allows you to run commands remotely. It provides support for agentless and agent-based environments.

With SaltStack, detection and response to any system can happen automatically, giving large, complex environments the most comprehensive management and monitoring system available. It can also provide SecOps capabilities to detect and fix vulnerabilities and misconfigured systems. As soon as an issue arises, you can fix it instantly, guaranteeing that your infrastructure is always compliant, updated, and secure.

The Features And Benefits Of Salt Include:

8. Vagrant

Vagrant is an automation software tool that lets you create and manage virtual machines all from a single workplace. The Vagrant workflow enhances production parity, decreases setup time for development environments, and gets rid of the “works on my machine” excuse.

With a VM-controlled environment, users can automate software installation, configuration changes, and all aspects of the lifecycle used for later deployment without additional concerns during the development process.

Vagrant allows you to create custom configurations for simulating staging/production environments quickly for local development and testing.

The Features And Benefits Of Vagrant

9. Pulumi

Pulumi is a modern Infrastructure-as-Code solution. You can use familiar programming languages and tools to build, deploy, and manage infrastructure anywhere in the cloud. It allows you to use the same tools, workflows, and language across all clouds.

Pulumi makes it easy to deploy from the CLI and integrates with any CI/CD tool you prefer. In addition to that, you can define and model infrastructure using several languages such as JavaScript, .NET, TypeScript, Go, and Python.

The Features And Benefits Of Pulumi

10. BMC Control M

BMC Control-M is a workflow orchestration solution. It helps to streamline the orchestration of business applications. It provides integrations with AWS and Azure as a means to simplify workflow across hybrid and multi-cloud environments.

By using the Control-M interface, you can create a workflow to automate a script. Afterwards, the system will write scripts to represent each of the required tasks. You can store the script and run it later or schedule it to run on demand. It can also run as a repetitive process, which launches every night at midnight.

It is possible to execute workflows across several operating systems. Furthermore, they are accessible by remote and cloud-based servers. Control-M is helpful for the secure transfer of files between servers and for setting up virtual machines.

The Features And Benefits Of Control M

If you’re looking for a resource to help you better grasp patch management in Linux, you’ve come to the perfect spot. Linux patch management is the practice of managing patches for programs that run on Linux machines. Patching in Linux entails searching your Linux endpoints for missing patches, obtaining updates from vendor websites, and installing them on the appropriate client workstations.

Patch management in Linux helps you maintain a safe and productive workplace by improving overall system performance. In this guide, we will discuss the importance of patch management, strategies for effective implementation, and best practices for maintaining a secure and well-functioning Linux environment.

But before we get started with Linux patch management, let’s quickly understand patch management.

Understanding Patch Management

Patch management refers to the systematic process of identifying, collecting, validating, and implementing patches or updates for software applications, operating systems, and firmware. Patching is essential in the Linux environment for reducing security risks, fixing software issues, and improving overall system efficiency.

The process involves finding vulnerabilities, getting essential fixes, carefully testing them, and smoothly spreading the updates across the Linux system. Organisations strengthen their defense mechanisms by participating in effective patch management practices, ensuring their systems stay robust against possible threats while optimising the functionality and stability of their Linux-based environments.

The Importance of Patch Management

Linux patch management is necessary for multiple reasons:

Security Enhancement:

Regular patching is essential for protecting Linux systems from potential security threats. It protects against unauthorised access and data breaches by addressing vulnerabilities.

Bug fixes and system stability:

Patching allows the correction of software bugs, hence improving system stability. This reduces the likelihood of system failures and disturbances, resulting in a more stable and dependable computing environment.

Compliance and Regulations:

Many sectors and organisations require frequent upgrades and security fixes as part of complying with guidelines. Linux patch management helps to ensure compliance with these requirements, avoid penalties, and maintain a secure and compliant system.

Elements of Patch Management for Linux

Here are the components that will ensure a structured and systematic approach to keeping your system secure, stable, and up-to-date.


This stage entails keeping track of available fixes. Updates and security fixes are routinely released by package maintainers and distributions. Tools like YUM, apt, and Zypper assist in identifying available updates.


It’s necessary to evaluate the applicability and impact of fixes. Security updates that address major vulnerabilities should be prioritised. Patch testing in a controlled environment before deployment reduces the chance of system outages.


Automating the deployment process guarantees that fixes are applied on time. Tools such as Attune, Puppet, and Spacewalk make automatic patching possible, eliminating the need for manual involvement.


After deployment, it becomes essential to ensure that changes are appropriately deployed. The successful patch application is confirmed by checking package versions or using system auditing tools.

Monitoring and reporting:

Keep an eye out for new fixes and vulnerabilities. Tools like OVAL (Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language) and Nagios monitor system health and create patch status reports.

Challenges in Linux Patch Management

Below are some of the challenges often faced in Linux patch management.

Compatibility Concerns

Patching might cause compatibility issues with current software or setups. To ensure that the changes do not interrupt important functions or cause conflicts, thorough testing and validation are required.

Resource Limitation

Companies typically face time, human resource, and infrastructure restrictions when it comes to complete patch management. Due to limited resources, it may be difficult to quickly discover, test, and distribute updates across all systems.

Complexity of Dependencies

Some changes rely on prerequisites or dependencies. Managing these dependencies and ensuring they are in sync with the patching process complicates management.

Risk of Service Disruption

Patches that are improperly implemented may cause system downtime or interruptions, affecting operations and productivity. Balancing the importance of patching with the necessity to keep systems operational is an ongoing problem.

Strategies For Effective Linux Patch Management

Strategies to Make Sure Linux Patch Management Is Effective:

Tools for Linux Patch Management

Package Manager (Yum, DNF, Aptitude)

Yum: Yum was originally designed for RPM-based distributions such as Red Hat, and it simplifies the installation, removal, and administration of software packages and their dependencies.

DNF: DNF, an altered version of Yum, is the primary package manager in contemporary Red Hat-based distributions. It improves Yum’s performance and removes some of its restrictions.

Aptitude: Aptitude is a front-end package manager for Apt that provides a more complex interface and extra software package management functionality.

Simplifying Software Delivery

Installation and updates: These package managers make software installation easier by automatically managing dependencies. They enable users to install, update, or uninstall software packages using simple commands while keeping track of repository configurations.

Dependency Resolution: They resolve dependencies, ensuring that needed software components are installed alongside the primary package, preserving system integrity.

Enterprise Solution (Spacewalk, Red Hat Satellite)

Spacewalk: Spacewalk is an open-source systems management tool for managing and deploying Red Hat-based distribution-based systems. It allows for centralized management, monitoring, and patching.

Red Hat Satellite: Red Hat Satellite is a commercial enterprise-level solution based on Spacewalk that adds functionality and support for managing Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) installations.

Centralised Management and Provisioning:

Patch Management: Spacewalk and Red Hat Satellite offer centralised patch management, allowing administrators to schedule, deploy, and monitor patches and upgrades across numerous systems from a single interface. They guarantee that security rules and standards are followed.

System Provisioning: By automating the installation and setup of new systems using preset templates, these solutions make system provisioning easier. This assures uniformity among deployed systems and avoids the need for human configuration.

Automation Tools (Attune, Ansible, and Puppet)

Attune: Attune is an advanced automation tool designed to automate and simplify IT processes, including patch management, across varied and complex settings. It provides complete solutions for managing, monitoring, and provisioning systems.

Ansible: Ansible is a powerful tool that enables administrators to automate several IT processes, including patch management. It defines tasks with simple YAML scripts called playbooks and ensures consistent patch distribution across several platforms.

Puppet: It is a configuration management tool for automating system administration operations. It guarantees that systems remain in the desired condition by applying patches and updates constantly.

Task Automation for Patching:

Scalability and consistency: These tools automate patch management chores, maintaining consistency across varied systems and allowing for scalability when managing large systems.

Task Definition: Administrators establish tasks, settings, or recipes that outline how fixes should be distributed, making it easier to manage and maintain systems consistently.


Patch management in Linux is an essential step in ensuring a safe, stable, and high-performing environment. Using proactive techniques, utilising automation, and following best practices may notably speed up the patching process, reduce security risks, and ensure system uptime. A solid patch management strategy is essential in the ever-changing environment of cybersecurity risks, allowing organisations to protect Linux infrastructure while maintaining operational excellence.

If you’re looking for a way to automate your digital life and free up some time, you should definitely check out Attune. It’s an amazing flexible IT Automation & Orchestration solution that can help you manage your individual devices through to complex IT infrastructure with ease.

With Attune, you can reduce the amount of time and effort it takes to manage your IT infrastructure, and get more from your investment in automation. All of this makes Attune the perfect solution for anyone looking to automate their life and save some time.

Multi Tasks

How Attune Works

No Code Automation

For a No Code automation solution, Attune Projects can be cloned from a GIT repository such as GitHub. The Blueprints in the Project can then be Planned to perform automated tasks on your systems and environment.

Build Your Own Automation

You can also create your own Projects from scratch or uplift and existing Project. The Attune Steps are written in the popular shell scripting languages. The Steps are orchestrated into Blueprints.

Portable, Sharable Procedures

You can export Attune’s procedures to a file, and then import them into another Attune. These procedure exports contain all the scripts, comments, and even archives or installers, ready to drop into another Attune server and execute.

Rapidly Debug Your Automation

Attune provides the ability to modify scripts in the steps during a running job without requiring the job to be restarted. Re-run your scripted steps to prove you’ve corrected a bug then continue the job.

Running Your Automation

In the runtime each Step is a new connection to the target node, this is how Attune can successfully perform full-stack integration. The logs are captured in Attune and the entire process is documented for future reference.

Automated Document Generation

Attune inherently captures and centralises your support knowledge. You can export the automated procedures as instructions to run the steps manually. This is helpful for working in an isolated environment without Attune access.

What is Attune?

Attune is our flexible IT Automation & Orchestration solution, a self-documenting central source of reusable proven processes, files and backups to build and maintain your IT/OT infrastructure.

attune UI design

It’s an agentless solution that connects to operating systems with WinRM and ssh protocols. The steps in the automated processes are written in the popular shell scripting languages such as PowerShell and bash.

Why use Attune?

Automate your scripts, commands, and processes exactly as they would be manually typed into a device.

One of the major benefits is that you can save time by automating tasks that would otherwise need to be performed manually.

Attune is easy to adopt and get a fast return on investment. automate scripts, commands, and processes exactly as they would be manually typed into a device.

In addition, automating tasks can help improve efficiency and accuracy, as well as freeing up your valuable time so that you can focus on other tasks.

How can I get started with using Attune?

Attune has a Community Edition available.

Download the Community Edition through our website and follow our demonstration video’s.

Quick 7 minute video

Start using AttuneOps’s Attune RIGHT NOW, it’s quick and easy to get started.

Once you have a good understanding of how it works, you can start experimenting with different ways to automate your tasks.

There also are many online resources available that can help you get started, including tutorials, how-to guides, and FAQs.


By automating your IT operations, you can free up your time so that you can focus on more important tasks . Implementing automation doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive – Attune has a Community Edition that can be downloaded. So what are you waiting for? Start automating today!

Do you have any experience with automating your IT Operations? Let us know in the comments below.

In order to reduce the time and effort it takes to manage your IT infrastructure, you need to implement some form of automation.

Automation can take many different forms, but the goal is always the same: to make the process easier and less time-consuming.

In this blog post, we will discuss five ways that you can automate your IT operations and reduce the amount of work that you have to do manually.

Compliance Management Benefits

Use Configuration Management Tools

One of the most tedious and time-consuming tasks for system administrators is managing system configurations.

Configuration management tools can help you automate this task by keeping track of all changes made to the files and providing an audit trail.

This way, if there are any problems with the files, you can easily roll back to a previous version or rapidly deploy updates.

Attune’s Powerfully Simple Multi-Server Coordination
Attune can perform actions across multiple servers and devices, as multiple users, within the one Job. This enables environment wide coordination to perform simultaneous and coordinated configuration updates.

Use a Deployment Tool

Another task that system administrators often have to perform manually is deployments.

Inconsistent processes in the workplace inhibits planning, delivery, quality based outcomes, and crucial stability levels for IT infrastructure. This inevitably generates higher costs levels.

Deploying new software or updates can be a complex and time-consuming process, however it doesn’t have to be difficult or stressful.

Attune Proven Processes for Enterprise Wide Consistency

Process automation enables the highly reliable, error-free development, testing, and provisioning of proven processes that are universally consistent each and every time they are performed.

Achieving a steady stream of consistent processes in the workplace is imperative for improving planning, delivery, and increasing stability for your IT infrastructure.

Use a Task Scheduler

A task scheduler is a tool that allows you to schedule tasks to run at a specific time or interval. This is useful for tasks that need to be run regularly, such as backups or log rotations. Some popular task schedulers include cron, launchd, and systemd timers.

Scheduled Tasks in Attune

Simplify your teams management of scheduled tasks across the entire environment of various operating systems.

Attune has a built in job scheduler that centralises the management of scheduled tasks across Windows and Linux servers. It’ll also centralise the historical logs for your scheduled tasks.

Use an Orchestration Tool

Orchestration tools are used to automate the deployment and management of complex applications that are composed of multiple components.

This includes tasks such as provisioning servers, configuring networking, and setting up storage.

Attune for Full-stack Orchestration

Build physical servers from bare metal with DELL’s iDRAC. Attune uses the redfish APIs to shutdown, boot, reboot, and install the operating system on physical servers.

Spin up and rebuild virtual machines, increase disk space, add network adapters, and install operating systems. Attune connects to the virtual hosts to configure new machines and modify existing machines.

Use Monitoring Tools

Monitoring your infrastructure is an important part of being a system administrator, but it can also be a time-consuming task.

Monitoring tools can help you automate this task by collecting data from your infrastructure and alerting you when there are any problems.

Attune Improves and Streamlines your Business As Usual Tasks

IT Automation should be performing your periodic system infrastructure maintenance, data backups, system monitoring, and issue resolution. Your key critical resources can spend more time on service delivery to increase revenue.

Lack of IT Automation mandates the time consuming and costly manual performing of periodic system infrastructure maintenance, data backups, and system monitoring.

The demand on key critical resources hinders them spending more time on services delivery to increase performance, productivity, and revenues.


By automating your IT operations, you can free up your time so that you can focus on more important tasks . Implementing automation doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive – Attune has a free Community Edition that can be downloaded. So what are you waiting for? Start automating today!

Do you have any experience with automating your IT Operations? Let us know in the comments below.

Automation with Attune

AttuneOps’s Attune is our flexible IT Automation & Orchestration solution, a self-documenting central source of reusable proven processes, files and backups to build and maintain your IT/OT infrastructure.

attune UI design

You can automate your PowerShell scripts, CMD batch commands, and processes exactly as they would be manually typed into a device.

AttuneOps’s mission is to provide the community access to intuitive and flexible open-source IT automated and orchestrated processes and workflows.

Can you please help AttuneOps build a community of sharable IP automation that we all benefit from?

Attune has a free Community Edition available.

Rapidly Debug Your Scripts and Continue The Job

Attune provides the ability to modify scripts in the steps during a running job without requiring the job to be restarted.

Debug your Script

Traditionally an error in a procedure could stop the entire process, requiring the process to be restarted. By writing steps that remain unchanged when run multiple times, these steps can be tested and re-tested without refreshing the system and the job can be continued.

Rapidly deliver automated procedures with Attune’s simple in job debugging and editing.

Portable, Sharable Procedures

Your team can export Attune’s procedures to a file, and then import them into another Attune. These procedure exports contain all the scripts, comments, and even archives or installers, ready to drop into another Attune server and execute.

Sharable IP

Attune has variables, used to create reusable procedures. Variables take the place of servers, strings, passwords, usernames, and more. Reusable procedures reduces time, effort, and improve quality assurance.

Automated Document Generation

Attune inherently captures and centralises your support team’s knowledge.

Captures logs of jobs in a centralised location. Historical logs are archived for future investigation.

Industry ITIL requirements have driven Attunes unique design to generate and export the step by step documentation.

Your team can export the automated procedures as instructions to run the steps manually. This is helpful for working in an isolated environment without Attune access.

Demonstration of Attune

Quick 7 minute video

Start using AttuneOps’s Attune RIGHT NOW, it’s quick and easy to get started.